There is something special about Sundays. Life slows down, our priorities turn to our Creator and we spend time with family. I love not having work to worry about, homework to stress over, yard work to conquer, or a sweaty workout. Sunday is different and I love it!After attending church, we all made brunch together […]
Author: Heather Ogden
Sore Bum or the Diaper Look?

It is time to stop beating around the bush and start talking about the real problems in my life. The struggle is real and it is unavoidable! My keister is so sore from my first week of training for our Coos Bay to LA event that I had to take matters into my own hands. […]
The Power of an Apron

Nathan and I had the privileged of visiting a friend on Sunday evening. This beautiful woman is the kindest gal you’ve ever met! I would bet money that she hails from the south, because she permeates sweetness and hospitality, and yet has a bit of sass stashed away just in case it’s needed. As we […]

For those that missed yesterday’s big announcement, our family of six is going to ride bicycles from Coos Bay, OR to Los Angeles, CA this July! It will be over 1,000 miles long and wind along the Pacific Coastline. We will be riding in a relay style, so we will have 2-3 members of our […]
Miracles in the Making

We have picked our next project! I am giddy with excitement over our newest adventure. It is a BIG one that will take a bunch of planning, but I have already jumped in with two feet and am running towards our dreams. If all goes as we hope, there will be many beautiful lives blessed. […]
God Made Us Sisters… Love Made Us Friends

I came across this picture that was taken 4 years ago. A flood of memories come to my mind as I remember finding out my older sister was going to have to battle cancer. Fear, sadness, worry, and devastation were constantly lurking on my mind and yet there was one emotion that overpowered them all. […]
Twig of Faith – Finding Strength

Being sick stinks! I have definitely been worn down these last 3 weeks with less sleep, congested head, exhausted body, and foggy mind. I just wanted to scream out, “I am done with this darn illness!” and then put myself in bed, again. On Saturday night, I had a breakthrough. Of course it had to […]
Gettin’ Dirty!

As a mother, I really get tired of seeing electronic devices in my kiddos hands, so today we decided to go play in the dirt instead. Our project consisted of digging out the work gloves from winter storage and heading to our pile of dirt in the backyard. Feeling the sun on our faces and […]
Get On My Bike, Let’s Ride!

On our little lane, there are only a few homes that sprinkle the 1/2 mile quiet drive. The wind was blowing and it was a bit chilly so I thought I would pick Cortlyn up at the bus stop. I entered the garage to jump into my car and saw one of the other kid’s […]
Romanesco Anyone?

I am so ready for spring and summer and all the delicious fruit and veggies that will be fresh locally. Today I couldn’t help admire all of the beautiful colors and I decided that we were going to try a new vegetable tonight for dinner. Has anyone ever tried a Romanesco?? The grocer said it […]