As I look back over the last 15 years I can liken my life to that of a bee, yes a little yellow and black flying insect. During the most excruciating and trying times of my life I go into what I call “rock mode” or “worker bee” mode. You see a worker bee has a job to do, and gives every last ounce of her strength to making sure her jobs are completed each day. She works tirelessly to supply what is needed to help her hive thrive. It is a down and dirty job that is extremely taxing and is a self-depleting task. I know from past experience that I can only survive in this worker bee mode at shorter doses of time. I have realized that even while going through some of the most challenging times, I need to take care of myself. I may need to go for a drive, grab a hot cocoa, go get a massage, or enjoy a girls’ get-away. You see in real life, worker bees’ life spans are only a few weeks long. I found out through many years of enduring adversity, that if I want to continue to thrive that I would need to allow myself breaks and opportunities to refill my own personal honey jar. I must choose to be a queen bee! I must see myself as someone that has needs and that I want to be healthy enough mentally, physically, and spiritually for my husband and my family. I am important! I have the chance to make a difference in the challenges that we are faced with, but only if I take time to be a queen bee. The queen bee’s life span is many years, and I chose over a decade ago that I want to be alive to see my 100 year birthday! (personal goal) So each time I need to go into worker bee mode, I always remember to buckle down and fight through the stinkers in life, but to quickly return to treating myself like a queen, right along the side of my king.