Today in my spinning class we were speaking about Memorial Day. We spoke of the sacrifices that our armed service men and women give to help protect our freedom. Sadly some of these men and women do not return home to their families as they give the ultimate sacrifice, their lives.
Our instructor read us a poem titled The Dash. It speaks of the dates from the beginning of a life to the end. The emphasis is placed on the little line between the two dates, the dash. The dash represents everything that we have done during our life here on the earth. I pondered this idea long after leaving the gym and wondered if I am living my best dash.
Am I focusing on the things in life that bring me joy? Do I take the time to deeply listen to my husband, a friend, my siblings, my children, my parents? Am I listening to the spirit to help guide me on my true path that will help others and bring happiness to my heart? Do I take the opportunity to read with a child, cry with a sister, go to lunch with my friends, smile at a stranger, continue my education, listen to uplifting music, keep my body healthy and strong, pray always and then pray some more, and give thanks for all of the blessings in my life.
Our dashes may be long or have a shortened duration, there is no time for anger, hate, prejudice, gossiping, belittling, judging, or exclusion. Love must help us overcome bad feelings. Hope must propel us to finding our life’s mission. Faith must carry us through our fears and help us push past our insecurities. Our dashes are far from perfect, but each day we get to choose how we will drive ourselves to improvement and how we will react to the situations that arise.
So when our eulogies are read we will be able to look back and be proud of the lives we have lived and how we have spent our dashes!
Happy Memorial Day Everyone!