We are running fast and furious towards our goal of raising money for wheelchairs for the beautiful people in developing countries that need mobility. Each step of this process has taught us so much about how to go after goals, where to get assistance, who you can count on to jump in and believe in you, and it has definitely shown us that the only way to make this great idea become an epic reality is to leave our comfort zones behind.
Nathan and I were recently interviewed for a local newspaper and even though we have done others previously, this one dove deep into our emotions. Speaking about our most tender feelings during Nathan’s neck breaks, parenting with a disability, working through stressful times in our marriage, depression, anxiety, and so much more. We do not love being in the spot light, but due to Nate’s career (public speaker) and our adventurous lives, we have learned to welcome the opportunities to share our experiences. We always try to be real and honest with our stories and answers. Hoping that perhaps there is someone that may benefit from what we have learned during our challenges. This can be scary at times as it leaves me feeling very vulnerable.
I walked into my closet the other day and knelt down and prayed and shed a few tears to help me gain strength. We are in the middle of calling corporations to secure sponsorships for our 1,200 mile ride, and this scares me to death! I know that may sound strange to many of you who see the outgoing, confident Heather, but it is way outside my comfort zone.
I share this very personal video clip of me in my closet to show you that I am just like many of you. I have fears. I feel discouraged at times. I feel overwhelmed. And I don’t want to make anyone else fell uncomfortable. As I gathered myself and spoke with my Heavenly Father, He let me know that this was not about my feelings but I was doing it to serve others. The beautiful people in other countries that have so little, only want one thing… HOPE! Hope for independence. Hope to be a part of society. Hope to go to school, church, to play with others kids, go to work, and live a life with mobility. By working through my insecurities, I have been able to grow and feel the strength that Heavenly Father has given me. It doesn’t mean that everything is easy now, I just know that it is possible.
I left my comfort zone long ago, and I do not regret taking the leap! Join me!
Comfort Zone Video-from Heather’s closet